CM2 Paper B - Where will you be taking it ?

Discussion in 'CM2' started by zimact92, Jan 6, 2019.

  1. zimact92

    zimact92 Member

    Since the online paper B is remote. Will you be taking it at home on a laptop or book a room in the office and do it there?

    I’m sure it all comes down to preferences but I was curious what others will be doing to help me decide on own my choice. Also I dread to think what would happen if the WiFi broke etc at least at work there may be some accountability and evidence?
  2. Calm

    Calm Ton up Member

    As I am an NTU student, I will be taking it from one of the computers within NTU's facilities (which, as I understand, can be accessed at any time without risk of lesson disruption, and also has Excel, SQL and R available). This will be taking place at 5pm Singapore time, and finishes just before one of my evening module classes.

    However, it also matters which timezone you happen to be in. If you are in an unusual timezone such as Seattle then you get to do it in the early morning and therefore this would also influence your decision.

    I guess if the WiFi broke in NTU (though this has never happened to me so far) then I guess I can get technical support in NTU to provide the necessary evidence...?
  3. Furiously_treading_water

    Furiously_treading_water Active Member

    I've not taken any of the online papers yet, but a colleague who has does take them in the office, making sure that the time is blocked out so we know not to disturb him. As far as I can tell:
    • It seems to help him stay on task
    • The internet is reliable and he has access to a wider screen/multiple screens/a printer
    • He can get coffee whenever
    • Coworkers can get him coffee whenever
    However, yes, downsides include timezones, distractions and probably the danger of whatever software or downloads they want getting disabled because it's a work computer.

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