Charts worksheet in paper 1

Discussion in 'CP2' started by Viki2010, Apr 14, 2019.

  1. Viki2010

    Viki2010 Member

    are there any marks for having a copy of data in the charts worksheet?

    would I not loose any marks if my charts worksheet contained only charts without the source data?

    any advice?
    pyuille_1609 likes this.
  2. Dar_Shan0209

    Dar_Shan0209 Ton up Member


    In your audit trail, you should only justify which data set you chose to do your charts. It is common practice to have a "charts" worksheet which include both data you used (might be fed from the workings worksheet) and the corresponding sheet such that if anything changes parameters/updated data, all will be reflected.
  3. David Hopkins

    David Hopkins Member

    It's a good idea to do this for three reasons:
    1. You may need to arrange the inputs to the chart in a certain way for some types of charts and you can do this here.
    2. Someone checking your work can see immediately what numbers you've used. Otherwise they might need to look in several different places and jump between tabs.
    3. If you make a mistake, the examiners can treat this as your "working" for the graphs and can give you marks for the parts you got right.
  4. pyuille_1609

    pyuille_1609 Member

    This is my main reason for having a 'data table' in the same sheet as my chart... avoid the "wild goose chase"!!

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