Chapters 15 & 16: exam technique?

Discussion in 'CP1' started by Furiously_treading_water, Apr 9, 2020.

  1. Furiously_treading_water

    Furiously_treading_water Active Member

    I'm going around the chapters at the moment, and keep hitting a brick wall when I get to 15 & 16. There's few pre-19 questions on these, and I feel like this is partly because this part of the course was completely restructured for C19 - correct me if I'm wrong.

    What do the examiners want from these chapters? How are/have other students prepared for these chapters for the exam? Has anyone else spotted what the main take-aways for these chapters are meant to be?
  2. Lindsay Smitherman

    Lindsay Smitherman ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Hi - there have been quite a few past exam questions (or at least parts of wider questions) based on the content from these two chapters. These are set out for all CA1 exam papers from 2008 to 2017 in a grid in the introduction to 'ASET 2014-2017 Papers'.

    For example, see April 2016 Paper 1 Q7.

    As well as making sure that you have good understanding of the bookwork included in those two chapters, application areas that you should consider include:
    • being able to identify the cashflows arising in specific scenarios (the Core Reading states: 'In the examination candidates may be required to describe the cashflows resulting from other investment, insurance, or business scenarios.' - Sept 2017 Paper 1 Q7(iv) is an example of a slightly more unusual take on this)
    • being able to identify appropriate assets to back specified liabilities, by taking into consideration their nature etc (possibly by breaking the liability down into constituent parts) and by applying the principles of investment
    • being able to discuss the pros / cons / suitability of different types of investment management approaches
    Hope that gives you something to work with

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