Chapter 14,15 log or ln

Discussion in 'CT1' started by Neha Maheshwari, Aug 29, 2016.

  1. Question 14.7 Notes

    In the answer when we calculate log.47 and get the final answer answer comes out to be 3.2% instead of 7.5% . Answer comes out to be 7.5 when we use ln.47 .

    Why are we using ln instead of log ?
    Question 15.8 Notes

    I dont understand why E(A3) is 1.1*[2+E(A2)] and rest 1.1*E[A(n-1)].
  2. John Lee

    John Lee ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    In all of the CT subjects if it writes "log" it always means log base e, ie ln.

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