Chapter 12 page 48:- Grouping of Sign Test

Discussion in 'CT4' started by Amit_Bansal, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. Amit_Bansal

    Amit_Bansal Member

    In Step3 in core reading, it is written test will fail when G<k. And in last para on the same page, it is written test failed when no. of groups of +ve deviations is LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO critical value.

    My doubt here is whether test fails only when G<k or it also fails when G=k.
  2. Hemant Rupani

    Hemant Rupani Senior Member

    Critical value is k-1 , so you can't reject null hypothesis on G=k.
  3. Dar_Shan0209

    Dar_Shan0209 Ton up Member

    What is the null hypothesis for the Grouping of signs test?

  4. It's a test for overgraduation.
    So basically our null hypothesis is : our true underlying mortality rates corresponds to graduated rates.
    But the underlying concept is :
    We should have greater than or equal to groups of positive deviations than the no of positive deviations group obtained when signs are arranged in random order.If we have fewer positive deviations group than rates are overgraduated and fit is not good.
  5. Akankwasa Denis

    Akankwasa Denis Made first post

    Thank you so much

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