Ch - 14 : Testing Fit

Discussion in 'SP8' started by Siddhi, Mar 5, 2024.

  1. Siddhi

    Siddhi Member

    Can you please explain Kolmogorov-Smirnov & Anderson-Darling goodness of fit.
    In both the case, they are measuring the distance between the empirical distribution function & the CDF of the reference distribution.
    So, how are they different?
  2. Katherine Young

    Katherine Young ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Take a look at the bottom of page 20 and the top of page 21.
  3. Siddhi

    Siddhi Member

    Hi Katherine,
    Sorry I am not unable to understand the concept of the same. It would be great if you can explain the same.
  4. Katherine Young

    Katherine Young ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Please avoid addressing your questions directly to tutors. This forum is a place where students can ask help from each other, and so improve their own understanding. By asking us directly, it discourages others from answering.

    The Anderson-Darling statistic places more weight on differences in the tails of the distribution. Hence, the A-D test is more sensitive to deviations in the tails while the K-S test is more sensitive to deviations in the centre of the distribution.

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