Cass Actuarial Management MSC

Discussion in 'Careers' started by MJustice, Jun 8, 2016.

  1. MJustice

    MJustice Member

    Is the masters in actuarial management worth it for the exemptions etc? Given that I'll probably be getting a 20k career development loan to afford it?
  2. entact

    entact Member

    If I was to do it all over again I would definitely do one of these Masters. Although it depends how good you are at exams. It seems it's much easier to get through the exams by doing a course with exemptions. If you're the type to take a few goes to get CA1 then I would definitely do it.
  3. ZimboActuary

    ZimboActuary Member

    I agree..if a masters gives you exemptions from the CA1, CA3 and one or 2 STs then I would do it.
  4. bystander

    bystander Member

    It won't increase the salary you got on entering the profession and number of exemptions aren't guaranteed. But if you can gain some practical actuarial work experience in breaks then that will help redress a tiny bit theory v practical experience to get a job afterwards
  5. MJustice

    MJustice Member

    Would you guys do it in spite of the cost? I'm currently looking at a repayment of around 350 a month for the 5 years after the masters is over so just want to be sure it will definetly payoff
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2016
  6. ZimboActuary

    ZimboActuary Member

    mmm my friend. 350 is a lot. why not just study for the exams and get mock exams marked by Acted and maybe do some tutorials for the really tough exams.
  7. almost_there

    almost_there Member

    £350/month is a lot but if Mjustice does his/her research on pass rates of the course vs IFoA exams... especially CA3
    Lapsed_Student likes this.

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