Can you do ST2 before CA1?

Discussion in 'SP2' started by NSMIL, Nov 19, 2005.

  1. NSMIL

    NSMIL Member

    I was wondering what peoples thoughts were on doing ST2 before CA1? Do you think I would be at any disadvantage?
  2. Cardano

    Cardano Member

    I have checked with the exam department and you can sit ST's before CA's.

    I think this is tactically the correct thing to do, due to the lack of history on CA12
  3. olly

    olly Member

    I was in a similar position a while back. I did Pensions (304) before 301 - under pressure from my employer which is a Pensions Consutancy. I consulted the Institute and they told me that I should be able to do it. In the event I failed once and passed at the next attempt. I then passed 301 first time. I haven't studied Life so others may come along with a more informed opinion but I would say it's possible.

    CA1 obviously is there to provide a good grounding in Assets and Liabilities in a general sense and this would undoubtedly be useful for ST2, however there is a small section in ST2 on the features of certain inevestments and whether they would be suitable for Insurance company holdings and in what scenarios. This is most likely a repetion of material covered in CA1 and therefore should provide the bones of what you need to know although you might need to do a little extra reading to get a bit of meat on them.

    If you're in doubt it's porbably best to consult the institute and of course other students.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2005
  4. Muppet

    Muppet Member


    I agree with the above - it's definitely possible. A few bits in the old 301 might help but only with 1 chapter, and you've really got the knowledge you need from 108.

    Doing CA1 before ST2 might make ST2 a little easier, but doing ST2 before CA1 will make CA1 easier. ie there's overlap. Swings and roundabouts.

    Good luck.
  5. kanch

    kanch Member

    I think its sensible ...............

    I am doing ST2 before CA1. So far no problems and it seems some areas you cover in ST2 are covered in CA1 as well (Some ovelapping) But the ST2 notes basically repeates the relevant notes from CA1 so there should be no big issue doing ST2 before CA1.

    I agree, that doing CA1 before ST2 may help in passing ST2.


    Hey! Dont give up! Good lUck

    Good luck and more than happy to discuss any issues on ST2.
  6. Raj

    Raj Member

    Yes you can

    In fact i sat for ST2 in april 05 and passed it without studying CA1. I'm going to appear for CA1 in april 06 and what i have found so far is that both subjects compliment each other and it does not matter which subject you sit first. The only thing you have to be careful is when attempting a question in ST2 which could also appear in a CA1 paper is the depth of the answer should be more in ST2 (thats what the examiners will be looking for).

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