Calling all Bristol students!

Discussion in 'SP2' started by Cymro Card, Jun 30, 2006.

  1. Cymro Card

    Cymro Card Member

    I'm looking to see whether it's possible to get a block tutorial arranged in Bristol... currently have a couple of people interested but need a few more for Acted to consider it.

    We need to get responses in by 3 July... if yr interested PM me with suitable dates, and I'll see whether we have enough to run with it. (I guess we can all go direct to Acted, but I don't know how quick they'll be able to confirm numbers)

  2. Ender4000

    Ender4000 Member

    Any luck with this? I'm interested, if it's not too late...
  3. Cymro Card

    Cymro Card Member

    At the mo - no! Apart from one or two people in my office, I haven't heard from anyone else. I included a request on my tutorial order for Bristol - hopefully other people have done the same.

    I understand that the London tutorials were full up quite quickly, so there may be a fair few southerners that are gonna be disappointed and don't fancy a trek up to Birmingham!

    I'll keep ya posted - watch this space!
  4. Cymro Card

    Cymro Card Member

    Just rec'd an email from ActEd saying I'm on a London tutorial - 'tis a new one not on the bulletin. Guess it's off to the big smoke then! :)

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