Call-put parity

Discussion in 'CT8' started by Son Isfa, Jun 12, 2017.

  1. Son Isfa

    Son Isfa Member

    We consider an European call (denoted C) and a European put (denoted P) with the same underlying asset S, the same maturity T and the same strike K. We denote by B(t,T) the time-t price of a zero-coupon bond with T. Give the call-put parity relation when the underlying asset pays dividends \[ d_1, ..., d_p\[ at dates t_1, ..., t_p such that t < t_1 < ...<t_p <T
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2017
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  2. vgarg

    vgarg Member

    Before proceeding lets define some notations first

    \(S_0\): Price of asset S at time \(t=0\)
    \(S_T\): Price of asset S at time \(t=T\)
    \(p\) : Price of European put with underlying asset S
    \(c\) : Price of European call with underlying asset S

    Now lets consider two portfolios:
    Portfolio A: A call option with strike \(K\) and the investment in \(p+1\) zero coupon bonds \(d_1B(0,t_1),d_2B(0,t_2), \ldots d_pB(0,t_p), KB(0,T) \)

    Portfolio B: A put option with strike \(K\) and 1 unit of investment in asset S

    Now lets see the payoffs of Portfolio A and Portfolio B at time \(t_j\) for \(1\le j\le p\)
    Portfolio A: The investment of \(d_jB(0,t_j\) gives a payoff of \(d_j\)

    Portfolio B: A dividend worth \(d_j\) is received

    Now lets see what happens at time \(T\)

    There are two cases to consider,

    \(S_T \ge K\)
    Portfolio A is worth \((S_T-K)+K = S_T\) as call option is exercised
    Portfolio B is worth \((0+S_T = S_T\) as put option isn't exercised

    \(S_T < K\)
    Portfolio A is worth \((0)+K = K\) as call option isn't exercised
    Portfolio B is worth \((K-S_T)+S_T = K\) as put option is exercised

    What do we see here? Portfolio A and Portfolio B both pays same payoffs and has same worth at time \(T\) therefore by no arbitrage the cost of portfolios must be the same i.e.

    \begin{equation}\boxed{ c+\sum_{j=1}^{p}d_jB(0,t_j)+KB(0,T) = p + S_0 }\end{equation}

    We established the put call parity relation.
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