CA3 Written Paper

Discussion in 'CA3' started by Yogesh Jalli, Feb 7, 2017.

  1. Yogesh Jalli

    Yogesh Jalli Member

    Hello All,

    Very quick question. When writing a letter back to client, Should you use the same subject header that the client has used in their letter.

    For example in 2015 there is a written paper about the "ABC Pension Scheme".

    Should I reply back with the same subject header of " Ref: ABC Pension Scheme – member number 2300132".

    Or should it be adjusted to be more descriptive of the content of the letter?

  2. bystander

    bystander Member

    Doesn't particularly matter so long as it's brief and relevant. The opening words usually refer back to the original correspondence you answer to set context.
  3. David Wilmot

    David Wilmot ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    I agree with bystander that it doesn't matter hugely. However, as we want them to be effective signposts, I always try to make titles & headings as specific as possible to the subsequent content.

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