CA3 July 2015 - paper 2

Discussion in 'CA3' started by BhatiaI, Oct 19, 2016.

  1. BhatiaI

    BhatiaI Member

    Hi All,

    I sat for CA3 almost one and a half years back. I had this very difficult question for paper 2, which I did not even understated.

    Now that I am preparing again for the exam, could I please get access to the examiners report for that particular question please?

    I want to know why I could not under stand that question.

    Thanks and kind regards
  2. bystander

    bystander Member

    Hi Bhatial, sorry you weren't successful last time. ActEd aren't the examiners. The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries are. So please look on for what you need. There is a report relating to July 2015 there. Hopefully seeing the answer you can go forward with your revision that way. Good luck with your next effort.
  3. BhatiaI

    BhatiaI Member

    Hello again :)

    Thank you for a quick reply. I did check the website and for 2015 - I can only see November and August 2015.

    Am I missing something? Or looking at the wrong place?

    Apologies if I am.

    Thanks and kind Regards
  4. bystander

    bystander Member

    No you are looking in the correct place. I wasn't sure if you had the wrong date. At the top of that section, I think it mentions that the Profession only publishes certain model solutions that highlight a spectrum of questions. You could try contacting the examinations department at the Profession to see if it ever was published. If they did publish it, know you sat it and they have moved it, I'm sure they will help. However, if it wasn't published they won't give it to you because that would be unfair to others.
    Failing that, do ActEd have ASET for CA3? But bear in mind that this would be acted solution not the official one that examiners used. Your only other option might be exam counselling, but if you didn't understand the question I doubt this would be of value to do that because if you didn't know what the technical points to bring out, your answer would suffer accordingly.
  5. BhatiaI

    BhatiaI Member

    Thank you, I have emailed the profession regarding this request :)
    Yes, I have done the ASET and have been practicing the past exam papers too.

    Don't know what else to do, it is just frustrating to think that after so much hard work there still is a possibility I will not understand the question at all. Don't know how to over come that. Specially when it is my last exam.

    Anyways, thanks for listening to me while I rattled :)

    Have a good day.

  6. bystander

    bystander Member

    Only other thing that maybe can help if you have the appetite to try, dig out your old notes on earlier subjects that a question may come up on and refresh concepts you think may appear. Very difficult as there is so much it could land on. That and the old advise of don't just read the brief once, reread it, break it down and give it your best shot. Hopefully next time you will go 'ah yes, I'm really comfortable with this' and away you fly to FIA.
  7. BhatiaI

    BhatiaI Member

    Thank you so much :)

    I am aiming to turn pages of CA1 if nothing else to refresh concepts.

    I will keep you posted on how the exam goes, thanks again for the words of encouragement.

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