CA3 assignments

Discussion in 'CA3' started by Greg, May 30, 2006.

  1. Greg

    Greg Member

    Hi all.

    Having read all the course notes over this last weekend for CA3 I have a quick question about assignments (may do my first one this week or next).

    When you submit assignments, should you send off just the final draft of the two questions? Or is it better to send off all the rough jottings and plannings and such stuff too?

    I imagine only the final draft is "marked"...but is it useful / beneficial to send the whole lot off? would it be looked at and be commented in any way?
  2. Muppet

    Muppet Member

    assuming there's not reams of paper - then no harm putting it in, if only to show that you have planned your answer. But expect most useful comments will be on final draft.
  3. bystander

    bystander Member

    Tend to agree with Muppet. It will help show your train of thought but it won't alter the mark.

    Guess it's like the exam. Anything crossed through won't get credit. But at the learning stage, you just might get lucky and finds someone commenting on your musings.
  4. Greg

    Greg Member

    ok thanks guys!
    I still havent got round to actually doing said assignment yet. Tomorrow's study day I will. Thanks!


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