CA2 September 2018

Discussion in 'CA2' started by Camdown, Sep 24, 2018.

  1. Camdown

    Camdown Member

    How did everyone find the CA2 exam this sitting?
    I thought paper 1 had me really stuck for time and paper 2 was okish..
  2. Viki2010

    Viki2010 Member

    I thought time was too short to produce high quality written papers and models. I wonder what did people do to fit everything within the time scales.
  3. indexo

    indexo Member

    I thought it was way tougher than recent past years.. and with the time pressure, boom!
  4. barabash

    barabash Member

    It was certainly more time consuming than last year! I just skipped scenario 3 and concentrated instead on audit trail.
  5. Viki2010

    Viki2010 Member

    Maybe this is the best strategy for CA2 - skip part of the excel model and concentrate on audit trail and summary report where most marks are allocated.
  6. Webster

    Webster Member

    I found Paper 1 to be fair on the modelling part but I couldnt finish working on the audit trail because of time. Paper 2 had too much to read, I also was pressed of time in that paper
  7. souljact

    souljact Member

    I also found Paper 1 very time consuming so after modelling the first and second scenario I decided to leave the third one and add as many checks (mostly basic ones) as I could and after that focused on documenting what I did until the end. Paper 2 again ran into time pressure (but not as extreme as Paper 1!) so decided to concentrate on putting down as many next steps as I could and just rushed through commentary of results
  8. Viki2010

    Viki2010 Member

    So what is a better strategy for this exam:
    - skip part of the excel model i.e. 1 scenario but prepare very good documentation
    - complete all modelling for all scenarios but rush through the documentation and produce an imperfect work due to lack of time
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2018
  9. Cf92

    Cf92 Keen member

    My method for passing paper 1 in CA2 was to break the exam down into smaller sections and try and stick to these set times.

    Broadly the splits were:
    90 mins model
    20 mins intro pupose and summary
    20 mins on data
    45 mins on audit trail
    5 mins to check

    I tried to stick semi rigidly to these times and I passed even though my model was poor (April 18)
  10. Viki2010

    Viki2010 Member

    Thanks for sharing :)
  11. indexo

    indexo Member

    Did you finish all parts of model?
  12. Cf92

    Cf92 Keen member

    No i didn’t

    I just didn’t panic and focussed on maximising the score I could get.

    I did an SAR and got about 55 in the first paper and 80 in the second paper
  13. Viki2010

    Viki2010 Member

    Wow, that's impressive to get 80 marks on paper 2!!! What was your strategy there?
  14. Cf92

    Cf92 Keen member

    Again similar strategy.

    30 mins on scenarios
    20 mins on intro/ purpose / data
    20 mins on methodology
    90 mins on results
    20 mins on next step
  15. Viki2010

    Viki2010 Member

    For paper 2 did you finish the model and all requested graphs/ tables etc ?
  16. Cf92

    Cf92 Keen member


    In the results I aimed for an introduction to results , the graph o table, and then 3 explanation points of the results and finally 1reasonableness result/ check on scenario. For example the result is lower cause the costs are higher
  17. Viki2010

    Viki2010 Member

    This paper 1 did not include any data. What did people do in terms of splitting data from parameters? Or maybe included all in one worksheet calling it data? No examiner's reports yet.

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