CA2 Nov 15 Paper 1

Discussion in 'CP2' started by Dar_Shan0209, Mar 3, 2019.

  1. Dar_Shan0209

    Dar_Shan0209 Ton up Member


    I was attempting the CA2 Paper 1 which was on the projection of the blue birds. For the third scenario, I saw that that the model answer would do the projection as per the formula:
    I wanted to know whether the formula below is applicable and ok as alternative, I do agree it yields a different answer, but if this is well documented in the audit trail - is it correct?

    Number of birds in 2016 for CD location = (Number of birds in 2015 for CD region * 105%) - (2% of birds in 2015 for CD region which are migrating to AB) + (2% of birds from EF region which are coming to CD region). The density is then calculated using the size km^2 and the capping is taken into consideration such that =IF((Number of birds in 2016 for CD location/Population CD)>120;120;(Number of birds in 2016 for CD location/Population CD)).

    Thanking you for your clarification.

    Kind Regards,

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