CA2 minus one or two CTs?

Discussion in 'CA2' started by antzlck, Oct 25, 2015.

  1. antzlck

    antzlck Member


    I'm trying to plan my studies for next year. The official guidance recommends having or attempting all the CTs and even CA3 before CA2. Is this really important? Would I be at a major disadvantage taking CA2 wikis CT5 and CT8 but with CA1. I'm aware that the models can be based on any CT1-8 content but won't CA1 give enough knowledge of all the areas of actuarial work.

    I'm questioning the official guidance as in other areas it has been questionable. For example it advises having all the CTs before CA1, CT4 before CT6 and I'm sure there's other examples.

    Albaluna likes this.
  2. bystander

    bystander Member

    Guidance is given for a reason, I'd say you may be taking a risk, but it's not an outright ban. Can you look at recent ones to see if there were any where you felt your theoretical knowledge would be lacking? That may give you some idea. Also, if your employer is paying how do they feel about it and how upset would you be if a question arose you were uncomfortable with. At the end of the dat, the choice, as they, is yours. Good luck whichever route you choose
  3. Tarbuck

    Tarbuck Member

    I sat it in May having never looked at CT6 or CT8 and i found it pretty straightforward. There may be a risk of something unfamiliar to work out, but to me it seemed work experience of working with/ creating models is much more valuable than anything I gained from the CTs.
    Albaluna likes this.
  4. bystander

    bystander Member

    Got your result yet Tarbuck? Hope it paid off

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