CA1 v ST2

Discussion in 'SP2' started by Student100, Jun 20, 2008.

  1. Student100

    Student100 Member

    The ST2 notes do not always go into the same detail as the CA1 results.

    For example the ST2 notes may give us ten product design factors to consider while the CA1 notes had a list of many more.

    So the question is, are these things ommited from the ST2 notes as they are supposed to go without saying, or are they not relevant for the passing of this exam, or have they been missed out by accident or what?

    Do I have to read the relevant bits of my old CA1 course when I am going through the ST2 course in order to get all the detail I need to pass, or was the learning of all of those lists really so pointless that they are not even relevant for the next exam you sit?!

    Help/advice welcome.
  2. bystander

    bystander Member

    Yes you can bring in some CA1 knowledge but I wouldn't re-read the old notes
    - you'll have enough to do!!!

    ST2 should stand-alone.

    CA1 and ST2 have different emphasis so make sure you are addressing the right qn in the right context.

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