CA1 PAPER 2 - ASET SEP 2004 q2 (II) - Your say

Discussion in 'CA1' started by kanch, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. kanch

    kanch Member

    Subject 302 SEP 2004 QUESTIONS.

    The second part wants to discuss how the company would use the results from the investigations to set assumptions. So aren't we suppose to assume that investiagtions are already done and results are available? If yes, the why is the solution goes on about how the investigations are done? All of that two pages for just six marks (I know ASET gives more than what you should write but this to mind is completely misleading as its not what the question is asking for six marks)???
    I thaught talking about what changes we need to do to the results from the investigation is sufficient i:e allowing for changes over time/improvements in future/change in various U/W policies,sales channels,cost savings,chnage in economic condiitions etc........ Also leaving out one off unsual evenets..............

    Am I missing something!

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2007

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