CA1 Lists

Discussion in 'CA1' started by sandeepberma, Oct 16, 2009.

  1. sandeepberma

    sandeepberma Member


    I was wondering if anyone could maybe attach in a word doc all the lists they used for CA1. Someone told me there are over 150 lists which sounds a bit scary.

    Also what is the best way to do Ca1, course notes or exam papers?

  2. capitalH

    capitalH Member

    I am thinking that the ideal way is along the ways of what was depicted in "Johnny Mnemonic".

    More seriously though, I am also planning to do CA1 next, so this is not out of experience but is what I plan.

    I plan to have a balance between course notes and exam papers, with the bulk spend on the course notes. I think there is just not enough exam papers to cover the 400 hours suggested to prepare for this subject, or to cover the volume of the work sufficiently. Course notes alone is also insufficient, as I understand that to pass it is important to structure your answers appropriately (hence practice of exam papers and review of examiner reports are necessary).

    This is my two cents, but I do not know if it is worth much.
  3. Goku

    Goku Member

    Have you attempted CA1 before Capital? Are you doing it in April'10?

    400 hours! My gosh, is that possible in one sitting?
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2009
  4. capitalH

    capitalH Member

    No never done it before.

    Very scared of it - plan to skip April (except if I have a resit - touch wood). and write it in September 2010.

    400 hours is the suggestion in the student handbook.

    To put it into context - 400 hours at 10 hours a day is 40 days!
  5. mattt78

    mattt78 Member


    I just received the course material for CA1 and its well over 1000 pages!

    That said, its probably less material than two CT exams, and i'm assuming its not going to be as technical as the CTs, so may be quicker to work through(?). There are 50 chapters, averaging about 25 pages each.

    I'm not sure if I'm going to sit in April or Oct 2010 - depends on how quickly I get through the CA1 material, and on the results of the last two CTs I just sat. Most likely I'll end up taking CA1 next October.
  6. Busy_Bee4422

    Busy_Bee4422 Ton up Member

    Have started doing it for April 2010. I don't think the material is technical but it's a different way of viewing things. So many points are raised per answer it's surprising:eek: (I guess I'm new to these higher subjects). I think exam practice will be an important part of the preps. Just raising the number of points they want and in the exam time can prove to be a big determinant of the result.
  7. Goku

    Goku Member

    For me, this is the top of the hill together with CA3. Once the CA's are done, I'll feel more like an actuary ;)

    Hope we all get through so that we can focus on this exam...a lot depends on our last sitting. Keep your finger's crossed...
  8. mattt78

    mattt78 Member


    Agreed it is to top of the hill - and CA3 is just a two day course now, so once you've done CA1 you're definitely on the homeward stretch.

    I think sitting CA1 and a CT resit might be stretching it too far (for an average student like me) though. Oh, and the CT6 sitting is in between the two CA1 papers!
  9. capitalH

    capitalH Member

    Goku: have you ordered notes yet?

    Do we SA guys still order through ActEd for 2010?
  10. Busy_Bee4422

    Busy_Bee4422 Ton up Member

    Yes get the notes from Acted. I intend to get marking. Still to convince the financiers. The more help for this the better from where I stand now.
  11. Falak Soomro

    Falak Soomro Member

    My question is related to marking. Getting assignments X checked by an ActEd examiner free of cost.

    Moreover I feel it bit difficult to generate ideas from the back of my head because I have been working in investments side (purely not the actuarial side) and am an international student due to which I do not have much to knowledge to bring up ideas even for chapter 0 of CA1 course?:( :(

    Can anyone advice? I would appreciate if any acted tutor can reply.
  12. Mark Willder

    Mark Willder ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    The best way to tackle Subject CA1 is to read through the notes first (doing the self assessment questions in each chapter and some of the Q&A questions as you go). The key to passing CA1 is to generate lots of ideas as you say, so once you've finished reading through the course you need to practice doing lots of exam-style questions (preferably under exam conditions).

    ActEd sell a number of products which can help with idea generation. Getting assignments or mock exams marked can be useful. ASET provides detailed solutions and tips on exam technique for recent exam papers.

    There's also lots of free help! The profession's website provides solutions to the last ten years of exams in the Examiner's Reports. CA1 only started in 2005, but you can try the 300 series papers for the years before that (if you look at the second thread on the CA1 Forum "CA1 past questions" you will find a grid which shows which 300 series questions are relevant to the CA1 course). There's hundreds of questions to try, so you have more than enough to practice on!

    I hope this helps and good luck.

    Best wishes


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