Branching Processes- Extinction Probabilities

Discussion in 'Off-topic' started by GemmaHayes, Dec 10, 2018.

  1. GemmaHayes

    GemmaHayes Member

    Is there anyone that can solve the below questions? This is a new topic for me :)

    A cell produces 0, 1 or 2 offspring with probabilities 0.2, 0.2 and 0.6 respectively. (You may assume that cells produce offspring independently of one another.)

    What is the extinction probability for a colony that initially consists of two cells?

    If a colony starts with a single cell, what is the probability that it is extinct in the third generation given that it did not die out in the second generation?
  2. Game_of_Life

    Game_of_Life Member

    1. Consider any one lineage from a single starting cell given the context of the question, then using total probability:

    Let \( p_0 \) = P(0 offspring)
    Let \( p_1 \) = P(1 offspring)
    Let \( p_2 \) = P(2 offspring)

    P(extinction) = P(extinction | starting cell produced 0 offspring) * \( p_0 \) + P(extinction | starting cell produced 1 offspring) * \( p_1 \) + P(extinction | starting cell produced 2 offspring) * \( p_2 \)

    Let \( q \) = P(extinction) then P(extinction | starting cell produced 1 offspring) = \( q \) and P(extinction | starting cell produced 2 offspring) = \( q^2 \).

    Thus \( q \) = \( p_0 \) + \( q \) * \( p_1 \) + \( q^2 \) * \( p_2 \). In this case \( q = 0.2 + 0.2q + 0.6q^2 \) which is a quadratic that can be solved easily. The two roots are 1 and \( 1/3 \), the latter being the probability in question. Note that there will always be a root with value 1, if there is also a root less than 1 in magnitude then this is the probability, otherwise the ultimate extinction probability is 1. We could also tell that the extinction probability must be strictly less than 1 as the expected number of children per cell is greater than 1. Given that there are two starting cells, the overall probability in question is thus \( q^2 = 1/9 \).

    2. P(gen_3 = 0 | gen_2 > 0) = P(gen_3 = 0 and gen_2 >0) / P(gen_2 > 0).

    Method 1 - understanding all the possibilities

    The numerator can be found by summing the probabilities for all paths that meet the criteria so:

    Gen_ gen_0 -> gen_1 -> gen_2 -> gen_3
    Path 1. 1--------->1--------->1--------->0
    Path 2. 1--------->1--------->2--------->0
    Path 3. 1--------->2--------->1 (1,0)-->0
    Path 4. 1--------->2--------->2 (1,1)-->0
    Path 5. 1--------->2--------->2 (2,0)-->0
    Path 6. 1--------->2--------->3 (2,1)-->0
    Path 7. 1--------->2--------->4 (2,2)-->0

    Where, for clarity, I have indicated in gen_2 the offspring combinations for the total number in that generation which will help us get the probabilities correct. We should also be careful with paths 3, 5 and 6 which have 2 ways for them to occur. For example, in path 3 that goes from 2 cells to 1 cell between gen_1 and gen_2, it could be either of the 2 cells that produced that one offspring, the other producing none.

    \( p(1) = 0.2^3 = 1/125 \).
    \( p(2) = 0.2 * 0.6 * 0.2^2 = 3/625 \).
    \( p(3) = 0.6 * 0.2^2 * 2 * 0.2 = 6/625 \).

    Calculating and summing all of these you should end up with a total probability for the numerator of \( 2392/78125. \)

    The denominator, \( p(gen_2 \neq 0) = 0.2*0.8 + 0.6* (1-(0.2^2)) = 92/125 \). This is from P(gen_2 \( \neq \) 0) = P(gen_2 \( \neq \) 0 | gen_1 = 1) * P(gen_1 = 1) + P(gen_2 \( \neq \) 0 | gen_1 = 2) * P(gen_1 = 2). Ignoring the case when gen_1 = 0 as this has 0 probability of gen_2 then being not extinct.

    Overall the desired probability is \( (2392/78125) / (92/125) = 26/625. \)

    Method 2 - using extinction probabilities

    Similar to the equation we used in question 1, if we let \( q_m \) = P(gen_m = 0) then we can see that:

    \( q_m = p_0 + p_1 * q_{m-1} + p_2 * (q_{m-1})^2 \).

    This is from the idea that if a population is to be extinct in m generations, then the offspring must have been extinct in (m-1) generations (note this not the probability of going extinct in exactly gen_m but by gen_m). To answer the question we need \( q_0, q_1, q_2 \) and \( q_3 \).

    \( q_0 = 0 \)
    \( q_1 = p_0 = 0.2 \)
    \( q_2 = p_0 * (1 + p_1 + p_2*p_0) =33/125 \)
    \( q_3 = 0.2946176 \)

    The probability in question is \( (q_3 - q_2 ) / (1 - q_2) = 26/625 \).
    GemmaHayes likes this.
  3. GemmaHayes

    GemmaHayes Member

    Very good. All seemed abstract to me originally. Looks right to me :)

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