Bit confused...:confused:

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by jatin.agrawal, May 28, 2009.

  1. jatin.agrawal

    jatin.agrawal Member


    This my i wrote three papers CT-1, 3 & 7 and I think CT-7 would not be cleared this time. Now i am looking for two other papers this OCT. i picked up CT-2 but a bit confused the third one....First i found CT-4 ok but after reading comments on this forum m confused....

    please help me to pick third one
  2. avanbuiten

    avanbuiten Member

  3. bystander

    bystander Member

    The next sitting is really short so don't overstretch yourself. Often best way to pick is read the syllabus so you can tell where the connections are.

    Got beyond CT stage so not more I can add
  4. Pilate

    Pilate Member

    I would agree that CT6 is probably the easiest of the remainder, but if you've already read CT4 and found it OK you might want to consider sticking with this.

    Also agree with bystander that it's a short session and three CT-s is quite a lot: maybe concentrate on CT2 until results and then if you're through CT7 you can pick another one up, and otherwise stick to the two?

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