Audit Trail - word count?

Discussion in 'CA2' started by ActEder, Feb 28, 2017.

  1. ActEder

    ActEder Member

    Is there any word count/number of pages that should be aimed for in the Audit Trail on Paper 1?

    And the summary report on Paper 2 should be 4 to 5 pages?
  2. Sarah Byrne

    Sarah Byrne ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    There is no particular rule on this one. For your audit trail I'd say 4-5 pages to ensure you have sufficient detail. The summary will probably be longer given it will include tables/graphs of results so more like 5-6 pages (and you have longer to write it). The most important thing is to ensure you include everything the examiners are looking for in both documents with the appropriate level of detail.

    Good luck :)
  3. ActEder

    ActEder Member

    Thanks for your help.

    Do you recommend making a start on the audit trail straight away and then add to it or do it all at once?

    Also, if your model results aren't looking reasonable but you still need to do some calculations, should one continue on with them even if they produce incorrect values? For example doing a graph based on wrong data will not give a correct "shape" so your commentary on the graph may not be right as a result.

    I assume there are attempt marks? For example having part of a formula correct etc
  4. Sarah Byrne

    Sarah Byrne ActEd Tutor Staff Member


    Yes, I would suggest building your model and audit trail side by side. For example, do the data checks, document them, add in your parameters, document them etc.

    I think another user gave some good advice on another thread on this, but, yes, I would keep going even if what you have doesn't look right. it is better to have worked through everything and be able to document something, even if it isn't quite right. You can always use placeholders (eg a hardcoded value) if you're really struggling with something to allow you to move on.

    I wouldn't hide that it doesn't look right from the examiners as this demonstrates that you've done some reasonableness checks. Remember that in Paper 1 you don't need to interpret/discuss the results (other than checks) so it shouldn't be too big an issue. Hopefully in Paper 2 you'll be given a start so it won't go too far wrong!

    I'm not sure if there are half marks but you should still earn follow-on marks for getting the next step(s) correct.

  5. ActEder

    ActEder Member

    Thanks for you feedback Sarah.

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