Assumed knowledge regarding CT subjects



Hi all

I wanted to ask about how assumed knowledge works regarding CT subjects.

My situation is that I've sat the CT1 exam recently. I'm fairly confident that I will pass and that I will continue my studies.

If I encounter a subject that requires assumed knowledge of CT1 (or any subject as the case may be), do the course notes for that subject contain refresher content for CT1 or relevant prerequisite subject?

More specifically with respect to CT1, I am tempted to do a complete revision of CT1 now which will take approximately 2 weeks. However, I feel as though I could use my time more effectively elsewhere. On the other hand, I would like to avoid a situation where I am bogged down reviewing earlier material which I have already (most likely) passed the exam for.

Thanks in advance for any guidance, especially from those who have done most or all of the CT subjects.
Hi, I've completed the CTs-
It is true that assumed knowledge from basic CTs is needed to learn tough CTs in pace, and I believe and realized that if you're studying without gap then you'd remember basics of subjects you've recently sat or passed about a year ago.

Yes you should not spend time on revising opportunity cost of 2 weeks is high, however if you stuck at any point in later subjects you can go through particular topics.

All the best!
Regarding the material, if its pre assumed knowledge then no they don't repeat that knowledge in the course itself - otherwise by the time you get further in the material would start to look like War and Peace.
I like your optimism regarding your recent exam sitting. That's a good thing. Yes indeed, start another course now and don't revise CT1. As Hemant says, you can look back if and when you need to just for the bits you need. It certainly wont be everything. Be assured some knowledge will still be in there and in fact you would be surprised how much. Save those two weeks. Move boldly forward and good luck!