Assignment X1, Q4 - Gains on loan relationships for tax

Discussion in 'SA3' started by KT33, Apr 1, 2021.

  1. KT33

    KT33 Made first post

    Just looking at this question and the treatment of interest on the loan has got me confused...

    The difference in the market value for the loan amount over the year is -£10m, which to me means the company has paid off or renegotiated the loan amount/interest due so it is less than it was - so there's a reduction of £10m in the non-technical account in the answer.

    Seems sensible.

    However I have in my notes that this row should be [- interest on loans] which I'd taken to be a double negative so had added the above £10m amount.

    So does this mean the 'interest on loans' line is the opposite in sign to 'gains on loan relationships' used in the answer?

    In trying to understand the answer, I was then thinking if a company had not made a dent into their interest over the course of a year, so in fact the MV of their loan relationships had increased over the year - is that correct that this amount would then be treated as a gain and taxed, even though it is now a larger cost to the company?!
  2. Ian Senator

    Ian Senator ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    'loan relationships' and 'interest on loans' are something different.
    Think of loan relationships as gilts that the company owns. They have a market value and any change in that value is reflected in the investment income figure in the accounts, that's the -10 that's being shown.
    Interest on loans represents amounts that the company has paid out on any loans it has taken out itself. It hardly ever appears in the exam questions.
  3. KT33

    KT33 Made first post

    Thanks Ian - makes sense. Didn't help I was confusing two different things.

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