Assignment Question 5.7

Discussion in 'CA1' started by ST6_aspirant, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. ST6_aspirant

    ST6_aspirant Member

    The question is about the relationship between required and expected returns on conventional government bonds and equity at the start of a recession. The solution says:

    "On the other hand the risk-free real rate of return may fall because investors prefer risk-free investments in uncertain times – this will be different in every economic recession and is not a generality!"

    Under this scenario, demand for risk-free will go up, reducing the price, and increasing the investment return. How will the real rate of return fall then?
  2. Charlie

    Charlie Member

    An increase in demand leads to an increase in price and so a decrease in yield ...
  3. ST6_aspirant

    ST6_aspirant Member

    Thanks Charlie, my bad, seems like it was a heavy study day :/

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