Assignment Deadlines

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by jeccross, Jan 20, 2006.

  1. jeccross

    jeccross Member

    Can someone please tell me how these work? I was informed by an acted tutor that as long as they were postmarked on the deadline day it did not matter if they were actually recieved the day after, however I have just had one of mine back unmarked even though this was the case. I posted it on the tuesday which I thought would be ok to arrive on the wednesday anyway. Is there anything I can do to get it marked?
  2. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

    Quoting from our brochure:

    Unless you are using a Marking Voucher, any scripts received by ActEd after the deadline date will be returned unmarked. It is your responsibility to ensure that your script is posted in good time to reach us from your place of posting. Please also ensure that you use the correct postage when you send in your script.

    We recommend that you work to the Recommended Submission Date where possible, but if you are aiming for the Final Deadline Date then we suggest that you post your script at least two days before the deadline (and before the final collection on that day), assuming you are posting from the UK.

    We hope that this is now clear.


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