ASET / past exams for ST4

Discussion in 'SP4' started by Greg, Sep 13, 2007.

  1. Greg

    Greg Member

    Hi all.
    I'm currently working through the past papers and ASET for ST4.

    I'm doing papers and then marking them...but one thing I've found is that some of the "model answers" for the questions are exceptionally long. E.g. a 5 mark question (q3 part i of September 2004) has 2 sides of A4 printed notes as the model answer.

    Occasionally in ActEds solutions for assignments, Q&A bank it does say the answer is fuller than required. But these are from the examiners (I presume?) with no note that it's too long. 2 sides of printed A4 is clearly too much to write for 5 marks (about 9 minutes) and its physically impossible to write that fast - at least for 3 hours!

    I've never found this to be the case for the CT exams or even CA1 - so wandered if anyone had any views on this. Especially anyone who'se already done the exam and / or any Acted tutors out there!

  2. Helen Evans

    Helen Evans Ton up Member Staff Member

    Yes, ASET is quite detailed in places, the idea being to aid understanding through additional explanation and give all possible points which could score as opposed to giving just one solution that would gain full marks.

    In terms of producing your answers on the day you want to:

    (a) be guided by the instruction word, I expect "list" and "state" questions to score half a mark per point with other instruction words (eg describe, discuss) having a couple of 1 mark points and the rest half a mark

    (b) write your points in a concise way, giving just enough explanation to justify each point (or maybe an example instead) and no more than that.
  3. cleo

    cleo Member

    For the STs and SAs, I would always recommend looking at the examiners' report for each paper as well as ASET. As Helen says, ASET is designed to give plenty of explanation so you can understand where an answer comes from, which isn't always as clear on the examiners' report. This means that ASET solutions are more detailed than you could produce under exam conditions, or need to in order to pass. In contrast, the examiners' report gives a better idea of the level of detail needed in the exam, but won't give you as much explanation to help you learn from the answer.

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