April CT4 paper - sitting after CT6

Discussion in 'CT4' started by mrs_a_hayes, Apr 30, 2012.

  1. mrs_a_hayes

    mrs_a_hayes Member

    Hey all,

    Did any of you sit CT4 an CT6 this april? What did you think about the CT4 paper?
  2. Ex-muso

    Ex-muso Member

    I liked the fact there was a question about pies.

    Having a question about another interest of mine, football, last time (CT1) seemed to prove a good omen.

    But I fear not, this time. Although think I did well on the pie question, inspired by the subject matter.

    There seemed to be more "wordy" answers than I was expecting to be asked for.
  3. Viki2010

    Viki2010 Member

    I was suprised to see a question on the Accident Proneness, as it has never come up in the past and the Act Ed does not provide any examples....it was tricky.

    I thought the last question was also tricky.
  4. LittleMissFIA

    LittleMissFIA Member

    I thought that there were a few tricky questions (can't really recall, the exam seems like a distant memory now)

    Also was quite taken aback at the amount of writing required for the first few questions!

    All in all, hoping for a pass but for me it could go either way...

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