April 2015 Q10 ii

Discussion in 'CT5' started by Harashima Senju, Sep 10, 2018.

  1. Harashima Senju

    Harashima Senju Ton up Member

    Hi guys, for some reason I can't wrap my head around this solution. Any help would be appreciated
    1. What is the reasoning behind calculating ¯a 40:50:20 and ¯a40:50:30?
    2. Why do we find a proportion between the the above values for the initial level annual premium?
  2. Mohit Gulati

    Mohit Gulati Active Member

    since premium has been broken as follows
    for first 20 years it is 1 then it reduced to 0.75

    so for first 20 years it acts like this (0.25+0.75) and then in the last 10 years it is 0.75
    ¯a 40:50:20 *0.75 and ¯a40:50:20*0.25 = ¯a 40:50:20 *1?

    and for the last 10 years = ¯a 40:50:30 *0.75 which is being covered by ¯a 40:50:30 *0.75
    Harashima Senju likes this.
  3. Harashima Senju

    Harashima Senju Ton up Member

    crystal clear but I had to draw a timeline to see it. Is this how you do it or you now have the vision to see how to do it in the exam. Thanks Mohit
  4. Mohit Gulati

    Mohit Gulati Active Member

    in some cases i also make the time line, where the things are not possible on hands, but here
    we have other ways of doing as well its not the only way to do it. so may be if i adopted
    another way, so time line may not be required, let me tell you while giving the exam we
    are in quite hurry so sometime vision not work than time line, but if the vision is working
    continuously during the exam, then vision saves time which is used in making the time line.
    Harashima Senju likes this.
  5. Harashima Senju

    Harashima Senju Ton up Member

    Thanks I thought something was wrong with me. Time is a major headache

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