April 2013

Discussion in 'CT8' started by swansea_student, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. What were people's thoughts?

    It seemed like a hard paper to me, even the easier questions had funny twists.

    Question 3, the one that talked about an analyst using the same data set to make a model .... I have no idea what we were meant to be referencing in the core reading - waffle ftw
  2. Whippet1

    Whippet1 Member

    The waffle in the question appears in the Core Reading in Section 6 of Chapter 9.

    Not sure what the answer is though!
  3. Knowslian

    Knowslian Member

    Thought it was quite a tough CT8 paper, certainly had more twists than usual on a large number of the questions.

    Didn't like the idea of giving 10 marks for the first question, but only 5 for the model-discussion question. Beggars belief how some of these exam papers actually make it past the "review" stage.
  4. mmmmmm

    mmmmmm Member

    Totally agree about even the "easy" questions having a tricky twist! Guess that is the way actuarial exams go. I was feeling fairly confident before I went in, but was definitely the worst performance I have ever made in a CT.

    Does anyone know what formula for EMM was being referred to when it said to use the formular in the tables in the Black-Scholes question?
  5. Knowslian

    Knowslian Member

    I think it was the same formula that came up in an exam 2 years ago? one with Pr( B(t) + u.t ) . With EMM = Equivalent Martingale Measure?

    I couldn't do most of that question, didn't think it was a very good one with EMM. Completely confused me!
  6. mmmmmm

    mmmmmm Member

    I figured EMM = Equivalent Martingale Measure, but only after the exam! During I had no idea, oops!

    I think it said to use a formula in the tables? Any idea what page that is on? Just out of curiosity...
  7. Tpocock

    Tpocock Member

    Pretty sure it was the Distribution of maximum value for a brownian motion formula on page 38.

    Anyone have any idea what the K in that question was for?
  8. Calum

    Calum Member

    I struggled and though I turned in a better performance than October last year I'm by no means convinced it was enough.

    I find it ridiculous to examine mathematics that is within student's (theoretical) capability but outwith the syllabus (or have I missed something?). I also failed to pick up EMM and actually wrote a note on my script to that effect, though I seem to recall calculating something that sounded vaguely sensible.

    I suspect question one was slipped in by a CA1 examiner having a giggle.
  9. HanginInThere

    HanginInThere Member

    An ActEd tutor's done a review of the CT6 paper on youtube; I wish someone'd do the same for CT8.
    I have no idea what to expect in June:confused:
  10. suraj

    suraj Member

    Pass :D. I don't know how. It was hopeless. :p
  11. Calum

    Calum Member

    Likewise. I was steeling myself up for third go-around. Phew, is all I can say.
  12. JayDee

    JayDee Member

    For the benefit of others let me state that my pass is a result of really pushing my self for CT8. I went equipped with around 20 lists which then had to be applied. Other CTs that are more numberesque tend to be easier but this one needs you to change the way you approach questions and is perhaps intended to be a great stepping stone for CA1.
  13. bluetail

    bluetail Member

    got FB for CT8... think cos failed to answer the first q. for 10 marks. wondering if someone considered using the exam councelling service for a written report? it is £160 and i wonder if its worth the money, do they give a personalised feedback or just general comments? cos i just felt i ran out of time at the exam :(
  14. Calum

    Calum Member

    I'd add that for CT8 I found studying for CA1 was very useful in that for the wordy questions I could just throw stuff at the wall until I was sure that enough had stuck.

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