April 2013 Exam

Discussion in 'CT2' started by jm_kinuthia, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. jm_kinuthia

    jm_kinuthia Member

    Any comments on the exam ?
  2. I didn't like the last 10 mark question, I thought it was a bit odd. I ended up just blabbering on for a while.
  3. johnpe21

    johnpe21 Member

    well, I didn't like most of the "theoretical" questions (those giving 5 marks)

    I might be wrong though, as I feel quite weak in this subject, so I don't know if they really were "tricky"
  4. Pepps

    Pepps Member

    I didn't like the last 10 mark question either as I couldn't really work out what it was getting at, I managed to scribble down a few paragraphs but don't know if they were worth any marks!

    I thought a couple of the 5 mark questions were also tricky but hopefully I picked up good on the accounts question (although I worry that the inclusion of a 20 mark question on this will increase the pass mark!).
  5. I've been wondering what the right answers to some of the multiple choice qns were, coz when I got home I couldn't work out if I got them right or not (I know I shouldn't dwell, but 2 months for results is a loooong time!!!)

    The ones I'm not sure on (which is a few are):
    Qn1) I put C
    3) I put B
    5) I put A (coz the other options say always)
    6) I put D
    9) I put D (I think it isn't A coz the board may intend to issue more shares that aren't to do with the warrents.

    So what did everyone else think?
  6. Pepps

    Pepps Member

    I think I answered the same as you on 1,3,6 & 9.

    I answered D for number 5 but I couldn't decide between that and A. The reason I didn't go for A was that management also has to predict cashflows for other methods but I can see your logic and actually think you are right.
  7. usmankhaliq

    usmankhaliq Member

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