April 2012 3 (ii) (b)

Discussion in 'CT1' started by Janboyd, Apr 6, 2016.

  1. Janboyd

    Janboyd Member

    How do you calculate the interest content of the second quarterly installment?

    I don't understand where the terms (1-v^(3.75)) or (1.12^(0.25)-1) in the solutions come from.

  2. Anacts

    Anacts Member

    Not got the question but you usually want to know the amount outstanding after the first payment and then multiply by the effective interest rate for the repayment interval - in this case the effective quarterly rate.
    I'm assuming it's 12% pa effective and so (1.12^(0.25)-1) is just the effective quarterly rate.
    (1-v^(3.75)) looks like the numerator of a 3.75-year annuity??

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