April 2007

Discussion in 'CT6' started by scarlets, Apr 19, 2007.

  1. scarlets

    scarlets Member

    It was OK, I guess, though I didn't like the simulation question, nor the time series one (but that could be due to poor preparation on those topics!!!)
  2. hi5

    hi5 Member

    hard paper
    i was done withing a few minutes.

    I might be successful in lowering the pass mark this time.

    All the best.
  3. decrement

    decrement Member

    i thought the time series was fairly straight forward, coulda been much worse

    i found the simluation (Q6) and reinsurance (Q7 )

    any ideas for Q7, i wrote hardly nothing for that
  4. scarlets

    scarlets Member

    Q7: I tried, but didn't get a sensible answer for SI (got 3.18, or something like that)

    Hope I got the last question right, it flowed through OK. Hmm maybe I shouldn't discuss this paper anymore just in case I find out how much I got wrong! lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2007
  5. Monkey_Mike

    Monkey_Mike Member

    I thought it was a hard paper too

    The Q7 I worked out the

    E = E[N]E[X] then used that S = SR + SI .... and went from there

    tricky paper

    cointegrated time series urgh
  6. scarlets

    scarlets Member

    yep, this is what I did
  7. Game Theory Question

    Does anyone remember the game theory question - the one on the casino deciding whether to run cards, dice, or slot-machines?

    I seem to remember there being a dominant strategy for the company, which didn't seem right, since the question asked for minimax and bayes solutions.

    I don't suppose it matters now, but I was just wondering if I got something really wrong.


  8. Monkey_Mike

    Monkey_Mike Member

    I remembered it yeah, one of them was lower for all 3 i think, but it didnt ask you to discard it, it would never have been chosed anyway
  9. I seem to remember the same strategy being the best option in all three scenarios - meaning that we didn't need the minimanx or bayes approaches to find the best strategy. That's what made me think I got something wrong - probably just a calculator error when I was working out the pay-offs.
  10. Monkey_Mike

    Monkey_Mike Member

    I didn't check for dominance... but I got a different answer for the Bayes solution than I did for the minimax
  11. Time series

    the time series question was much tricker this year. what happened to the simple 6 marker working with AR or MA!!

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