April 2007

Discussion in 'CA1' started by kanch, Apr 11, 2007.

  1. El Gringo

    El Gringo Member

    Does anyone know why the Institute hasn't put up the solution reports on the web yet?

    Getting very annoying...
  2. I can't remember exactly. Spent a large amount of time nearer the exam memorising the lists as I found them very useful for idea generation. CA1 seems to have a lot of lists to memorise so I did end up spending a lot of time commiting them to memory.
  3. didster

    didster Member

    I managed to pass first time. I must have gotten lucky. Commiseration to those who didnt pass.

    There are a lot of lists to learn and many of them you should take the time to learn. I found exam questions helpfull in that they helped highlight the more important topics/lists to learn and when the solutions didnt stick to a list per se.

    I looked at both the Acted solutions and the Examiners reports to get more ideas and different approaches to getting ideas.

    You really need to spend a lot of time on CA1 to read the material(firstly) then learn the important bits and practice questions.

    The comment and solutions in this report seem fair enough. Good to see I wasnt the only one strugling to know the difference between liquidity and marketability (took me long to write something for that one)

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