April 2004 P1 Q6 (ii)

Discussion in 'SA2' started by misterh, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. misterh

    misterh Member

    Question about an XSI to XSE company where we are modelling the business going forward with the solution including: "The projection will need to include both life and pension business - although the latter is not taxed on an "I-E" basis, the projection is needed to determine when any "case IV losses" are made." Is this still relevant or would we just model the BLAGAB today? thanks good people
  2. Mike Lewry

    Mike Lewry Member

    Case VI profits are now known as trading profits in today's course.

    It used to the case that the minimum profits test was based on the total of BLAGAB I-E plus GRB Profits, so it would have been important to keep track of both.

    Now that the test considers just BLAGAB I-E in isolation, trading profits on the OLTB fund won't affect the tax position of the BLAGAB fund.

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