April 13 exams

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by Tele76, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. Tele76

    Tele76 Member

    I’m studying CT4 and CT7 for the April 13 exams. CT7 is proving relatively easy, but I’m struggling a bit with CT4. I was thinking of putting CT4 on the back burner ‘til September and doing CT5 instead.

    CT5 looks easier. Would that be a fair assumption?

    I’ve done the first quarter of the CT4 notes, but floundered on part one of the q and a bank. Does this subject get easier once you’ve mastered the fundamental concepts? Are there any other books that might help (Stochastic Processes for the slow learner?).
  2. tiger

    tiger Member

    I would say they are roughly on a par.
    Also, I would add that question practice is essential for CT5.
    It's not enough to know how to answer the question, you need to be efficient at calculating the numbers.
    CT5 was the only CT I had time pressure in. (i.e. was not able to complete the paper in the time alloted)
  3. Turtlelord

    Turtlelord Member

    I would say CT5 is easier than CT4. However CT5 is the most time pressure exam (ie you will be running out of time to complete the exam)

    CT5 requires a LOT of practice.

    CT4 is difficult to understand and there is a breath of questions which can be asked.

    Personally, I think there is time to do either from scratch now (ie from January) but this will depend on how much time you are willing to put in.

    For reference my CT ranking (which many colleagues have concurred with) is:

  4. Tele76

    Tele76 Member

    Thanks for the replies!

    Looking at the past papers, CT5 looked a bit more friendly than CT4. Probably because I haven’t studied stochastic processes before.

    Perhaps, I'll go ahead and get the CMP for CT5, I will have to do both of 'em next year anyway.

    I can't get to any tutorials unfortunately, but I was thinking of trying the online classroom for CT4. I don't mind paying the £250 if it really helps to get a pass, ....
  5. John Lee

    John Lee ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Not bad! The average pass rates from April 2005 to Sept 2012 inclusive are:

    CT4 45%
    CT8 50%
    CT6 52%
    CT5 57%
    CT1 61%
    CT2 62%
    CT3 68%
    CT7 72%
  6. Calum

    Calum Member

    Of course, one must factor in effort: CT8 has a reputation as a monster, so people probaly gird their loins and work harder for it than CT4.

    I'm glad I didn't see that pass rate before sitting CT4!
  7. Edwin

    Edwin Member

    Here is mine from hardest to easiest;-


    But I did CT-1,2,3,4,6,7 at Varsity (so these I ranked based on my marks) and wrote CT5 and CT8 with the IoA/FoA.
  8. Oxymoron

    Oxymoron Ton up Member

    I'll change that to:

    But that depends on one's background I guess.
  9. Schuey

    Schuey Member

    What are the pass rates for CA1; ST1; ST2; and the other ST subjects :) ?

    Thanks very much
  10. John Lee

    John Lee ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    CA1 pass rate is about 50%

    Averaging over all relevant figures (or from 2005) we have:

    ST9 34%
    ST7 39%
    ST8 41%
    ST4 44%
    ST6 53%
    ST5 57%
    ST1 61%
    ST2 63%

    Disclaimer: these are averages and thus ignore the volatility of data, blah, blah.
  11. Schuey

    Schuey Member

    Thanks very much :)
  12. bystander

    bystander Member

    With the Cts you have to face your beastly ones - no choice. With the Sts at least you get to choose what you do. Remember, past is no guide to future, and in part any exam chance is entirely down to you. Preparation, preparation, preparation. Ignore rates concentrate on no 1 - YOU
  13. econkong

    econkong Member

    thanks a lot for the information John:) do you by any chance also have the pass rate for ST3?:confused:

  14. John Lee

    John Lee ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    ST3 (general insurance) has been replaced by ST7 and ST8.
  15. econkong

    econkong Member

    I see...
    Thanks a lot John:)


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