apr08 exam Q 8

Discussion in 'CT4' started by lalala, Aug 27, 2008.

  1. lalala

    lalala Member

    Can anyone help me out? I'm wondering how to calculate the beta's for part 2 of this question from the confidence intervals given?
  2. mugono

    mugono Ton up Member

    April 08 exam question 8

    Can anyone help me out? I'm wondering how to calculate the beta's for part 2 of this question from the confidence intervals given?

    Hi, they've used the formula for confidence intervals. That is:

    So taking Violin for example

    B1 + z*SE(B1) = 0.19
    B1 - z*SE(B1) = -0.05

    Addind these two together (solving by simultaneously equations) this becomes

    2B1 = 0.14 and finally B1 = 0.07

    A similar method has been used to calculate B for the others.

    Hope this helps.

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