Apprentice - Series 3

Discussion in 'Off-topic' started by TheArtfulDodger, Mar 3, 2007.

  1. Does anyone know when the new series is going to start? If I remember right, Series 2 had already started around this time last year. All I've heard is that it's going to be on BBC 1 this year as it had high ratings on BBC 2 last year.
  2. Sauny Bean

    Sauny Bean Member

    I bet quite a few of us link last years April exam's with the Apprentice! They obviously heard the actuarial exams are starting later this year and delayed the series for us...
  3. Yeah - I could just see Sir Alan going "Nah, let's put it back a bit this year 'cos them actuarial exams are starting later"!!

    I found quite a good blog about the UK version of the Apprentice at
  4. Looks like the start of next weeks episode was filmed inside the Lloyd's building
  5. Seriously though, who tries to sell cheese to the French?

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