Any tips for the Online format?

Discussion in 'CM2' started by Kriti Gupta, Sep 3, 2020.

  1. Kriti Gupta

    Kriti Gupta Member

    As there are no sample papers available for the new online format of Paper A, there is lot of anxiety around the nature of questions especially those involving long equations.
    Request some guidance on practicing such questions? Moreover, can we expect any MCQ type questions to test such concepts, so that we can solve on pen and paper and tick the answer?
    Many thanks in advance.
  2. Joe Hook

    Joe Hook ActEd Tutor Staff Member


    First and foremost please see Taking our online examinations. and stay up to date with the guidance as it changes.

    The CM2 specific guidance document does make some mention of the possibility for multiple choice although this is likely to be restricted to the cases where complex mathematical formula will be required.

    Elsewhere if some notation is required, but it is still manageable in word, it is suggested that marks will be given for reasonable notation and some mark allocations may be increased to reflect the extra time required to type rather than write.

    It would be a good idea to practice answering papers in word in order to increase your speed and ensure that the notation you may use in the exam becomes second nature. You might want to give some thought as to how excel might help in answering some questions also. We otherwise recommend that you prepare for the exam as normal and on exam day do your best to convey your understanding to the examiners. We expect that there will be greater focus on numerical workings and on applied bookwork, neither of which should pose huge challenges when typing in word.

    Good luck!
    Kriti Gupta likes this.
  3. Kriti Gupta

    Kriti Gupta Member

    Thank you very much Joe! This was very helpful :)
  4. Christina12

    Christina12 Member


    I just want to check if it's worth typing formulae in word? Are there any points for writing down the formula in its standard form?

    As we need to quickly type the solutions, I wouldn't write the formula with alpha, beta, etc, so the first line of my solution would show the letters in the formula replaced by the numbers given in the question. (assuming that it's a numerical question..)


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