Any study tips?

Discussion in 'CA1' started by Muppet, Sep 23, 2005.

  1. Muppet

    Muppet Member

    What are the best ways to study and revise for this subject given it's so big? :confused:
  2. avanbuiten

    avanbuiten Member

    Give up all other interests in your life and do nothing but live and breathe CA1 for the next 6 months. :(

    It is too big!!!! :mad:

    I don't think I could handle failing this one - just imagine having to do it all again :eek:

    Or do what I do. Study hard one week then get very drunk the next. It is like Ying - Yang. If I have to be so good then I need to be bad in order to be balanced and healthy. :cool:
  3. Angela

    Angela Member

    I failed this in April and the thought of having to resit is very depressing :(

    Having read the tread about CA12 there was a good tip from someone to summarise each chapter as you get to the end.
  4. anakin

    anakin Member

    endless lists

    as i intend to sit this exam next year in september, i thought i should start reading it ... after only 2 chapters i have a big question: are we supposed to learn those lists by heart??? (eg actuaries skills ...)

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