Analysis of travel time by sex, country and university coming tomorrow, please vote in polls before

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by pjlee01, Apr 29, 2023.

  1. pjlee01

    pjlee01 Ton up Member

    Although the IFoA has this data internally, to the best of knowledge it has never published any figures showing the distribution of travel time to Fellow (or Associate) by sex, country and university.
    Tomorrow I will be publishing the first results of an analysis from the publicly available qualification data (August 2020 to December 2022).

    In the meantime, so that a comparison can be made of what people's expectations are regarding travel time with actual results, please vote in either or both of the following polls:

    NB Poll closes Sunday early afternoon 30 Apr 2023
    (Fellowship: what expectation has the IFoA given you as to the average (median) time to reach Fellowship?)

    NB Poll closes today Saturday c 6 pm 29 Apr 2023
    (Associateship: what expectation has the IFoA given you as to the average (median) time to reach ASSOCIATEship?)
  2. pjlee01

    pjlee01 Ton up Member

    The results of the polls were an expectation that the median time to reach Fellow is 5.3 years (just under 2 years after reaching Associate, for which the expectation was a median of 3.4 years).

    See for an analysis of the recent experience of new qualifiers over the period 2020-2022, which showed:
    Associate Travel time: median 5.54 years, mean 6.71 years.
    Fellow Travel time: median 6.63 years, mean 7.42 years.

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