Alternative to ST and SA

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by Cardano, Oct 9, 2005.

  1. Cardano

    Cardano Member

    Is anytone thinking of taking the option to do an alternative course for one ST or a dissertation for the SA?
  2. steven74

    steven74 Member

    I quite like the idea of NOT having to read through all the useless bits of the exam material, but the 2 year requirement is a bit of a turn off. Once you reach the stage you are allowed to to the paper, wouldn't you hope to qualify in less than 2 years?
  3. Cardano

    Cardano Member

    I think its a question of whether you think what you would do a a dissertation might be useful to you either personally or for an academic career.

    I can certainly see potential academics doing this as an overlap with a PhD project. For me personally I was a University lecturer in my mid 20's and hated it. So it wouldn't appeal to me on this score as I already have a PhD

    I have in the past been a professional gambler and got interested in actuarial studies from that direction. I have a number of ideas that may pass muster for a project, which I may end up doing anyway. The goal of qualification is not so important for me as I have been self employed for some time and haven't earned a penny from actually doing any actuarial work

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