Advice Needed

Discussion in 'India' started by, Jan 4, 2012.

  1. Member

    Hi all,

    I have not yet registered for the Indian actuary exam. I am a MBA + Btech

    I was going through the study book for CT1 , I find it quite incomprehensible .

    I want to know will the study material provided by ACTED will make my life any simpler because passing using the study text itself is impossiple becaue its way too complex and even examples are not there in the book .

    Also one last thing will my Compute engineering and MBA background be counted in actuarial field , it it advisable to go for a caareer change
  2. Calum

    Calum Member

    First of all, what do you mean by the study book? If it's online, a link would be handy ;)

    The Acted material is indeed pretty good (and includes plenty of examples) but it is not aimed at the Indian exams (though it should be close).

    To answer your last question, you will probably find your previous study useful at work, but not so much for exams - your MBA may have covered a few topics but I doubt there will be a lot of overlap.
  3. Member

    Online book I think is not Acted material , but the one issued by the Professional Body . I think Indian body too provides Acted Study pack , but I want to confirm this with someone . Because using the book provided by the body its impossibe to pass the exams .

    Also MBA has covered a bit from many topics , just that difficulty level is low as compared to actuary exam . But my question is does it makes sense Acturial career after MBA finance.
  4. Oxymoron

    Oxymoron Ton up Member

    It's the same. The trick is to stop spending time worrying about the difficulty and using that time to study for the exam ;)

    Do you need a convincing one way or another?

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