Adjustments to claims data

Discussion in 'ST3' started by tjcchan, Sep 22, 2009.

  1. tjcchan

    tjcchan Member

    I come across many questions regarding calculating risk premiums - one of things i need to do is to make adjustments on claims

    the possible adjustments are for

    unusually light and heavy experience

    large claims

    trends in claims experience

    changes in risk (this is the change in the underlying nature of the riskt? both external and internal changes?) -

    changes in cover - is this the same as changes in terms and conditions?

    cost of reinsurance

    However, there are also other lists that I've come across under claims analysis (i.e. possible distortions in the claims data)
    these are

    absence and presence of large claims
    external influences such as cat/inflation/changes in the underlying nature of the risk
    internal influences such as changes in underwriting, claim handling, settlement, recording, processing and reinsurance arrangements
    random variations
    changes in type of business attracted within the class or types of claims emerging

    I understand there are overlaps here, but shall I throw the rest of them in as well? Or are there other questions for which these are more appropriate?

    Also in claims analysis, the notes mentioned aspects of claims data that should be checked before proceeding with claims analysis -

    ensuring consistency from year to year in claims definition/ treatment of nil claims/claims administration
    making adjustments
    large claims
    concentration of claims
    unsettled o/s claims
    re-opened claims
    changes in development pattern
    heterogeneity caused by combining data groups together

    Where shall these be used??
  2. Hi,

    As you've said, there are overlaps between the lists you've given.

    If appropriate (i.e. relevant to the question being asked and to the number of marks available for the question) then you should include all of them in your answer.

    If they're not relevant to the particular question then don't include them, e.g. if you have a class of business with fixed benefits then don't start mentioning large claims.

    Also, remember to look at the number of marks available - this will give you an idea of the level of detail required.


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