Accounting Ratios

Discussion in 'SP5' started by andy orodo, Apr 22, 2012.

  1. andy orodo

    andy orodo Member

    The core reading provides a list of quantitative analysis accounting ratios to be used when valuing an investment opportunity.

    Why only this list? Surely the other accounting ratios are just as valid as they will also provide a quantitative analysis of the features of the investment i.e.
    - profitability ratios
    - debt ratios
    - liquidity ratios
    - efficiency ratios

    If a question pops up in the exam will I be given marks for throwing down ratios other than the list in the core reading?

    Is there a reason why these ratios have been chosen? i.e.

    Investment yield
    Dividend Yield
    Dividend per share
    Cash yield
    Interest on debt
    Discount to NAV
    Total expense ratio

    Why would ROCE, Profit margins, EPS, PER, income gearing, current ratio, stock turnover etc. not be used in a quantitative analysis?

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