
Discussion in 'SP5' started by Nimisha, Apr 19, 2020.

  1. Nimisha

    Nimisha Member

    How have they divided the actual money invested i:e 1.02 m as 291.4 and 728.6 in domestic and overseas equities?
    Secondly,for stock selection performance in the examiners report they have just done actual return-benchmark return
    But what I calculated was ,F AA -F AN..so why have they not calculated using formula in ch 16 notes?
  2. Gresham Arnold

    Gresham Arnold ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Actual money invested: We are told in the question that the money is invested in line with the benchmark, which is 10% in dom eq and 25% in o/s eq.

    We are told 1.02m is invested in equities as a whole, so 1.02m x 0.1/(0.1+0.25) = 0.2914m is invested in dom eq

    Stock selection: The examiners have expressed their answer as a % of the money in invested in that asset class. I think you have expressed the answer as a % of the overall fund(?)

    As long as you gave figures for each asset class and were clear about what you had calculated, I suspect it didn't matter how you expressed the figures
    Nimisha likes this.

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