A search doubt

Discussion in 'CT1' started by Madhur, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. Madhur

    Madhur Member

    Can anyone tell me how to search a particular question in the forum using the search bar.
    I have tried many times searching (for eg) Q10.12 but the search ends with 'No results found' , but when i check on the posts by navigating, i see the keyword Q10.12 in the post.
  2. Mark Mitchell

    Mark Mitchell Member

    That does seem strange. I guess the way round it is to search more generally, eg for "Chapter 10" or some key words on the topic you're interested in.
  3. Madhur

    Madhur Member

    yes i do it that way.
    But still it takes a lot of time in searching the question.:(

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