a popular interview question

Discussion in 'Careers' started by uktous, Oct 17, 2009.

  1. uktous

    uktous Member

    What are the most important challenges in the actuarial industry?

    Honestly, I am not confident in this question.

    Anyone can tell me your answer?

    My answers are as follow:

    Life: to meet solvency2
    GI: climate change
    Pension: many DB schemes transferred to DC schemes.
    Investment: many derivatives writers can't meet their oligations
  2. bystander

    bystander Member

    Like a later exam question, there is no right answer but dependent on the role you seek, they will be looking for awareness in specific topics.

    Think broader: longevity issues --important on annuity books
    confidence - many past problems still mean low consumer confidence eg Black Rock, pensions mis-selling, endowment problems
    mortality : how soon will the obesity epidemic come to bite
    Health : new issues like swine flu and other potential pandemics

    So read the press around time of an interview and perhaps look at what the company is saying to the media. And don't be afraid to express your own thoughts.
  3. uktous

    uktous Member

    can you recommend some "press" for me?
  4. fiend

    fiend Member

    What industry do you plan on working in?

    Climate change isn't really a massive challenge for GI at the moment. Bigger challenges are in risk/capital management, understanding exposures and SII - which encompasses the first two.
  5. uktous

    uktous Member

    i want to work in either life insurance or pension.

    and why "risk/capital management, understanding exposures" are challenges?
  6. bystander

    bystander Member

    It doesn't matter what press you read; they will just cover similar issues but from a different angle.

    If you want detail, then something like FT is good; go for other press if you want more of a consumer gut reaction feel to issues. And don't forget about articles in the Actuary.
  7. uktous

    uktous Member

    let me buy a FT to have a look later


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