2x ActEd Marking Vouchers up for grabs...

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by jeaneu, Nov 10, 2009.

  1. jeaneu

    jeaneu Member

    ... just doing a clearout of study stuff and found 2 ActEd Marking Vouchers which are valid until 3rd August 2010. I believe vouchers are transferrable between students... so if anyone wants these please drop me a private message.

    (ActEd - if you're reading this, how do I go about transferring marking vouchers to another student?)
  2. MissAussie

    MissAussie Member

    PM'd you, Jean! :)
  3. capitalH

    capitalH Member

    Unfair advantage to the Australians!

    I call for random time zones.
  4. DevonMatthews

    DevonMatthews Member

    This is nonsense, i propose they be given to candidates who can demonstrate financial hardship or a genuine need for the vouchers.
  5. jeaneu

    jeaneu Member

    Anyone else want one?

    I do have two after all... otherwise both going to MissAussie...
  6. capitalH

    capitalH Member

    How would they demonstrate such need or hardship?

    This is probably self fulfilling.

    Those with employers paying for marking - will probably not apply to jeaneu
    Those without employers paying for the vouchers - will do the effort

    Yes it might be true that there may be candidates more "worthy" of help than others, but without going through a proper screening how can jeaneu know?

    jeaneu, props for doing this though - helping someone you do not know.
  7. DevonMatthews

    DevonMatthews Member

    come on a bit of honesty here!
  8. jeaneu

    jeaneu Member

    All gone...

    ... both been claimed now.
  9. jimlad

    jimlad Member

    So may I be the first to congratulate Jean on not needing her marking vouchers anymore!
  10. bystander

    bystander Member

    A word of warning... before transferring to others outside your company, think who bought them. If its the co they probably want to keep them.

    But if not, yes put them out there!

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