2022 April Q8iii

Discussion in 'SP8' started by Hong Hong, Jul 14, 2022.

  1. Hong Hong

    Hong Hong Member

    I would like to ask why the degree of freedom is 6 in the Chi-square test?

    The answer key wrote: Degree of freedom = number of levels in factor - 1

    However, per core reading, the degree of freedom should be the difference of all levels of all factors between the 2 models (one with and one without Marital Status rating factor), which in this case is just the number of levels of Marital Status (7). Or do we not count the Unknown level?

    Thank you in advance :)
  2. Busy_Bee4422

    Busy_Bee4422 Ton up Member


    We have added 7 levels however if we know 6 levels we know the 7th level because we know the total. We therefore a difference of 6 degrees of freedom.
    Hong Hong likes this.

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